Whiskey Makers Take Over Port Site

First wine. Then beer. Now whiskey. A startup distillery will become the newest tenant at the Port of Walla Walla’s Piper Avenue incubator facility.

Port commissioners on Thursday unanimously approved the application of Kevin and Becky Hetterley for their “Shot in the Dark Distillery.”

The operation will move into the space at the five-building incubators currently occupied by Corvus Cellars.

That winery had given the Port 60-day notice, and is at least halfway through that.

Port Executive Director Jim Kuntz said it may be a couple of months before the new tenant opens.

The incubator village was developed largely with state funding as a hub for startup wineries on a six-year lease program.

The state Department of Commerce has allowed nonwineries in the mix of tenants in the absence of winery applicants.