Airport Security

Walla Walla Regional is a Category III airport and is required to carry out 49 CFR 1542 of the Transportation Security Administrations regulations.


Persons with an operational need to access the AOA with UNESCORTED access must provide the Airport an application with documentation that establishes Identity and Eligibility. The Airport will submit this information to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for a Security Threat Assessment. Upon receiving clearance, the Airport will issue the applicant an ID badge. This ID badge MUST be on your person at all times while in the AOA area.

AOA ID Badge Application Packet -
    *Applicant to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. following information:
          Badge application
          Headshot picture in jpeg format
          Copy of Driver's License or Passport
          Copy of Social Security Card
    *Applicant to pay $25.00 by either cash or check at application intake.  
    *Application will not be processed until payment

For Information, Please Contact
Cody Hahn, Airport Security Coordinator
(509) 386-7695
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